Body Attribute in Cyberpunk 2077 Maps & Walkthrough
Publish date: 2024-07-28
Body Attribute Bonuses
Body Attribute determines your raw physical power, increases Health and Stamina, increases damage dealt with melee weapons and allow you to force open doors.
Each level of Body (starting from level 3) will give your character:
- Add 5 Health Points
- Add 3 Stamina Points
- Increase damage with fists and Gorilla Arms by 3
- Increase damage with melee weapons by 1.5%
- Decrease movement penalty while grabbing an enemy and wielding an HMG by 6%
- Increase movement while grappling an enemy and enemy grapple duration by 5 sec
Skills & Perks for Body Attribute
Athletics Skill
Athletics Skill is increased by physical activity.
Athletics Skill Leveling Bonuses
Level of the Skill:
- lvl 2: Increases Carrying Capacity by 20
- lvl 3: +1 Perk Points
- lvl 4: Increases Stamina by 5%
- lvl 5: Increases Stamina Regen Rate by 10%
- lvl 6: Increases Carrying Capacity by 40
- lvl 7: +1 Perk Points
- lvl 8: +1 Perk Points
- lvl 9: Increases Health by 5%
- lvl 10: +1 Perk point
- lvl 11: +1 Perk point
- lvl 12: Increases Health by 5%
- lvl 13: Increases Carrying Capacity by 100
- lvl 14: Increases Armor by 3%
- lvl 15: Increases Health Regen Rate outside combat by 10%
- lvl 16: +1 Perk point
- lvl 17: Increases Health by 5%
- lvl 18: Increases Armor by 3%
- lvl 19: +1 Perk point
- lvl 20: Unlocks the last Perk in the Skill tree
Athletics Perks
Level of Body Attribute:
- lvl 1: Pack Mule -Increases carrying capacity by 60
- lvl 1: Regeneration -Health slowly regenerates during combat
- lvl 5: True Grit -Increases max Stamina by 10%
- lvl 5: Invincible -Increases max Health by 10%
- lvl 7: Epimorphosis -Health regenerates up to 70% of max Health outside of combat
- lvl 7: Soft on your Feet -Reduces fall damage by 5%
- lvl 9: Gladiator -Reduces the amount of Stamina consumed when blocking melee attacks by 20%
- lvl 9: Steel and Chrome -Increases melee damage by 10%
- lvl 11: Like a Butterfly -Dodging does not drain Stamina
- lvl 11: Multitasker -Allows you to shoot while sprinting, sliding and vaulting
- lvl 11: Divided Attention -Allow you to reload weapons while sprinting, sliding and vaulting
- lvl 12: Cardio Cure -Health regenerates 25% faster as you move
- lvl 12: Stronger Together -Increases damage you deal while carrying a body
- lvl 12: Transporter -Allows you to shoot with Pistols and Revolvers or sprint while carrying a body
- lvl 14: Marathoner -Sprinting does not drain Stamina
- lvl 14: Human Shield -Increases Armor by 20% when grappling an enemy
- lvl 16: Dog of War -Increases Health regen in combat by 20%
- lvl 16: Wolverine - Health regen activates 50% faster during combat
- lvl 18: Steel Shell -Increases Armor by 10%
- lvl 20: The Rock -Enemies cannot knock you down
- lvl 20: Indestructible -Reduces all incoming damage by 10%
- lvl 20: Hard Motherfucker -When entering combat, Armor and Resistances increase by 10% for 10 sec.; +1% per Perk level
Annihilation Skill
Annihilation Skill is increased by using Shotguns and Machine Guns.
Annihilation Skill Leveling Bonuses
Level of the Skill:
- lvl 2: Reduces the ADS Time of your Shotguns, Light Machine Guns and Heavy Machine Guns by 20%
- lvl 3: +1 Perk Points
- lvl 4: Reduces the Recoil of your Shotguns, Light Machine Guns and Heavy Machine Guns by 10%
- lvl 5: Reduces the Spread of your Shotguns, Light Machine Guns and Heavy Machine Guns by 25%
- lvl 6: +1 Perk Points
- lvl 7: Increases Crit Chance by 5% when using Shotguns, Light Machine Guns and Heavy Machine Guns
- lvl 8: Reduces the Recoil of you Shotguns, Light Machine Guns and Heavy Machine Guns by 10%
- lvl 9: +1 Perk Points
- lvl 10: +1 Perk point
- lvl 11: Increases Crit Damage by 20% when using Shotguns, Light Machine Guns and Heavy Machine Guns
- lvl 12: +1 Perk point
- lvl 13: Reduces the Recoil of your Shotguns, Light Machine Guns and Heavy Machine Guns by 10%
- lvl 14: Reduces the Recoil of your Shotguns, Light Machine Guns and Heavy Machine Guns by 15%
- lvl 15: +1 Perk point
- lvl 16: Reduces the Spread of your Shotguns, Light Machine Guns and Heavy Machine Guns by 25%
- lvl 17: Reduces the Spread of your Shotguns, Light Machine Guns and Heavy Machine Guns by 10%
- lvl 18: +1 Perk point
- lvl 19: Reduces the Recoil of your Shotguns, Light Machine Guns and Heavy Machine Guns by 15%
- lvl 20: Unlocks the last Perk in the Skill tree
Annihilation Perks
Level of Body Attribute:
- lvl 1: Hail of Bullets - Shotguns and Light Machine Guns deal 3% more damage
- lvl 5: Pump it, Louder! - Reduces recoil of Shotguns and Light Machine Guns by 10%
- lvl 5: In your Face - Reduces reload time of Shotguns and Light Machine Guns by 20%
- lvl 7: Dead Center - Increases damage to torsos by 10%
- lvl 7: Bloodrush - Increases movement speed in combat by 5% while carrying a Shotgun or Light Machine Gun
- lvl 9: Mongoose - Increases Evasion by 25% while reloading
- lvl 9: Bulldozer - Reduces the amount of Stamina consumed when blocking melee attacks by 20%
- lvl 11: Momentum Shift - Defeating an enemy increases movement speed by 10% for 10 sec
- lvl 11: Massacre - Increases Crit Damage with Shotguns and Light Machine Guns by 15%
- lvl 12: Heavy Lead - Shotguns and Light Machine Guns knock enemies with more force
- lvl 12: Skeet Shooter - Deal 15% more damage to moving targets
- lvl 14: Manic - When entering combat, your movement speed increases by 20% for 10 sec
- lvl 14: Unstoppable - Dismembering an enemy increases fire rate by 10% for 8 sec. Stacks up to 3 times
- lvl 16: Speed Demon - You deal more damage the faster you're moving
- lvl 16: Burn Baby Burn - Doubles the duration of Burn
- lvl 18: Poppin' Off - Shotguns have a 25% higher chance of dismembering enemies
- lvl 18: Hit the Deck - Increases damage to staggered and knocked-down enemies by 10%
- lvl 20: Biathlete - Weapon spread does not increase while moving
- lvl 20: Bloodbath - Dismembering enemies reduces weapon recoil by 50% for 5 sec. +1% per Perk level