Midland Blvd and Iowa Ave intersection roundabout construction begins Feb. 5
Publish date: 2024-07-25
NAMPA, Idaho (CBS2) — According to a recent news release, the Midland Boulevard and Iowa Avenue intersection will be under construction beginning Feb. 5, 2024, to construct a new roundabout.
The construction phasing is anticipated to proceed as follows to minimize disruption for drivers:
- Phase 1: The east leg of the intersection will be closed to traffic. Northbound and southbound movement will be reduced to a single lane in each direction, and the west leg will remain open.
- Phase 2: The west leg of the intersection will be closed to traffic. Northbound and southbound movement will be reduced to a single lane in each direction, and the east leg will be open.
- Phase 3: All intersection legs will be open with flaggers, and traffic will be routed to the outside edges of the roundabout while crews construct the splitter islands.
This project is anticipated to be finished by mid-August and will also provide:
- Enhanced pedestrian crossings
- Street lighting to illuminate the roundabout and crossings
- Installation of new stormwater facilities
Local access to residential property and businesses within the project location will be available throughout the project.