Papa's Pizzeria - Papa Louie Games

Publish date: 2024-07-31

The third and final game we offer you all right now in the Papa Louie Games category is called Papa's Pizzeria, and it is one you should certainly not miss out on, since it is the first game in the series where you are going to be cooking and serving pizza, which is wonderful, since Papa is italian, so this is one of his special foods. You are going to certainly have a lot of fun working at the Pizzeria, and to make sure of that, we will use this next part of the description to explain the gameplay, right now! Well, you begin by choosing which of the two characters you want to be, one girl and one boy, or you can create a custom character, to your liking. You are going to need only the mouse to play. You have to get the order from the customers, and make their orders exactly like they asked, and then give it to them, getting the appropriate amount of money back. Of course, your goal each day is to earn as much money as possible, and don't let customers wait too much for their food, or you might get fired. Start right now, as you should never let fun wait on you!

How to play?

Use the mouse.
